Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Blogging Experience

So this is my 10th and final blog...

I started blogging in September for the first time and didn't really know what blogging was about. There was not a lot of guidance given so I gave it my best shot. I have read some blogs that have been given awards and I didn't really see what was so special about them. I have also read some random blogs that I found online and they were just people blogging about their lives or things that were important to them. I suppose if I knew those people well I might have enjoyed reading their blogs but I didn't really have any interest. I think some people are naturally talented at writing and enjoy expressing themselves in words so I can see why people do it. I thought the blogs with titles were more difficult to write and preferred to have some freedom when writing them. But personally I think blogging is not for me. 

I found that I didn't know what type of content to put into my blog. I wrote about myself and I wrote facts and figures. I wrote from my notes and I wrote my opinion. I don't know if I really went down the right road in them. Also I am not one for writing down my feelings or even talking about my feelings so I felt the blogs are kind of embarrassing to write. I don't really want anyone to read them to be honest. My friends from Egypt have been asking can they read my blog about Egypt but I don't want them to, so I haven't told them they are actually online! 

I think maybe one day I will blog again when I really have got something interesting to blog about. I noticed my dad has a blog for his job and he talks about the industry he is in and articles he finds interesting. He never told me he had one until I told him I would be writing one and he gave me some tips. So maybe when I am working I will write one. I found blogger was hard to use and I couldn't really figure out how to change stuff around and put ads on my page which I would have liked to do. From looking at some of my classmates blogs they obviously knew what they were doing as they look so professional. But anyway I gave it a try and I suppose I will find out soon if I really am a talented blogger!

I can't believe there is a 'blogger's choice awards'. This just shows how huge the blogging world is. I would never have even thought it was that big until I searched for it. If I was a talented blogger I might actually make money from it or even get an award, imagine one day that might actually be me. I think I need to work on my writing skills first. Anyway here is the link to the blogger's choice awards, check out some of the best blogs in the world: Blogger's Choice Awards. The categories are pretty funny for example the hottest daddy blog! haha! Who comes up with these things I wonder. 

So I'm going to say goodbye for now to the blogging world and concentrate on my exams and enjoy Christmas. Maybe after Christmas I will have something exciting to blog about. Watch this space!

Happy Christmas Bloggers!
Au revoir! 

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