Monday, December 6, 2010

The Facebook Era

I was just thinking today about when I did not have Facebook in my life... I remember when I joined it was when I just got back from Australia 2 years ago and I wanted to stay in contact with my friends over there. It was already so popular over there but I was still using BEBO another social networking site, which at the time was the bees knees of social networking in Ireland. Sadly Facebook ruined that for them.
I remember joining and none of my friends in Ireland had a Facebook so I was not very interested in using it but I used it sometimes.

Then came Erasmus, the year for Facebook. I became a Facebook addict in Germany. On it all day talking to people from home, talking to people from Erasmus, even talking to my friends that lived in the apartment next door. It just shows how lazy I am I would sit in bed and chat on it instead of calling in to them to have a proper conversation. I don't think its just me though, everyone does it. It's like no one wants to actually talk anymore. I suppose texting started this off but now you can send messages to anyone anywhere in the world through Facebook. I would be on Facebook all day in my apartment because I had no television and in the winter there was so much snow we did not leave home too often. We would take photos just to put on Facebook instead of to get printed and bring home to show family. This would never have happened 10 years ago. You could find out what events were on and where people were at all times by using Facebook therefore a phone was not needed in Germany to contact anyone. 

But I have come to the stage where I am over it. I log on for 2 mins and I log off, I log on, I log off, I log on, I log off...etc! It is boring, I have lost all interest in anything going on. At the moment there is two topics on everyones status's XFactor and Snow, neither of which I am interested in. But I get bored and go back on so thats why I'm thinking what did I do before when I was bored. It is crazy how much Facebook has taken over, everyone has a page even businesses. It was Facebook's 6th birthday this year (I didn't know websites had birthdays). The so-called age of privacy is gone! I would love to know if it will ever switch off like BEBO did. I never thought BEBO would and it did because people lost interest. Imagine if it shut down for one day what would people do??

I did add a video to my page today, this guy has kept me entertained when Facebook couldn't!

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