Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No Phone No Problem

Last week I decided that I would turn off my phone for 48 hours. I thought email on its own was not very challenging and the internet was a no-go because I spend most of my spare time on the internet. I think this is from living in Germany for a year without television and using the internet for entertainment and communication and to keep our sanity! I didn't have internet for 2 days and I had the 2 most boring days ever.The television in my student accommodation has only got 3 fuzzy channels so I rarely watch it and our Dvd's don't work in our Dvd player so really without the internet I would be pretty bored there too.

I also have more college work then I have ever had in my life at the moment so I need my email to keep up to date with work. Some of our lecturers send us notes through email because we are not set up on Moodle (after 5 weeks of college). So my phone was the only choice if I wanted to test myself. I think I am one of the only ones who did give up my phone. I think it's because some of my friends rely on their phones more then me.

On Saturday night I was in Dublin and the battery went on my phone. My charger was in Dundalk so I had no choice but to live without it on Sunday. I was working all day and then when I got home I wasn't feeling well so I went to bed quite early-I didn't really notice that my phone was off. I went back up to Dundalk on Monday morning and plugged my phone into the charger, left and went to college. That's when I was in eBusiness class and realised I already had over 24 hours of "phone fasting" done. That made it easier for me to complete the fast. I got home in the evening and looked at my phone- it had turned on automatically. It said on the screen that I had 4 texts and I really wanted to check them but I didn't! I turned it back off. All day I kept reaching into my bag to check my phone which was annoying cause there was nothing there but it was just out of habit. I had no way of telling the time either as I don't own a watch and usually use my phone. I couldn't set an alarm so I relied on my sister to wake me up on Monday morning.

We went out on Monday night and I didn't have my phone with me and apart from my handbag feeling empty I didn't mind too much. I knew I wouldn't be on my own. I came home that night and after 46 hours I turned my phone back on, so technically I didn't do 48 hours but I'm happy with 46 hours.

I better admit though I didn't lose all contact with the world because I used Skype both days to talk to my friends from Egypt. So I don't know if thats called cheating but I made some calls, maybe without Skype it would have been harder but it was easy enough to live without my phone. I think if I gave up everything I would have cracked up I cant even imagine the world without the technology we have. Nearly everything I do is by technology and I think a lot of my generation are brought up using the internet and email.


When we were given the title of this blog I really did not have a clue what I was going to write about. I thought my blog is only going to be a sentence long so I emailed my dad to find out what NAMA actually is. I'm not going to lie I have heard about it on the news and in newspapers but I still really don't know much about it. I rarely watch the news and in Germany I did not even have a television. So my dad filled me in on Irelands economic situation, which is always good to know I suppose.The impression I get is that without NAMA we would be a third world country. Our bankers were stupid and gave out loans to people who could not pay them back in times of financial crisis. So, luckily those bankers have been sacked! Now NAMA is looking after the country and making sure we can pay all this money back. NAMA is now the biggest property owner/ developer in Europe, am I right? The Irish tax payers (you and I) are now paying for the mistakes of all the banks- doesn't seem fair to me- not that I get taxed much but still not very fair to those who do. All of this confuses me and it doesn't interest me much because I don't have to worry too much about the Recession yet, not in the working world yet. Seems like the country is in a lot of debt but I just want to know when are we going to be a rich country again.